Monday, February 28, 2011

King Solomon is perhaps one man whom you can say has, ‘been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, lost it, found it, burnt it.’ He had it all. He not only had wisdom, but exceedingly great understanding (1 Kings 4:29a). He was a very compassionate man (1 Kings 4:29b). He ruled an extremely large kingdom (1 Kings 4:21 & 24). He never had to go to war and lived in peace all his life (1 Kings 4:25). He was famous and respected (1 Kings 4:34). People from all over his kingdom paid very high taxes (1 Kings 4:22-23) making him the richest guy to have ever lived. All cups and plates in his crib were made of pure gold (1 Kings 10:21) and the silver in his kingdom is equated to the amount of stones outside (1 Kings 10:27). He had more than his fair share of ‘female companions’ (1 Kings 11:3). Some would say, ‘this is la dolcé vita (the good life)’.

Solomon did not see it that way. He was really depressed. He took a look at all he had and studied life in his kingdom. He studied work (Ecc 1:3-11), human achievement (Ecc 1:12-17), pleasure (Ecc 2:1-17), human wisdom (Ecc 6:10-11:6) and the like. Everything people considered ‘good’. He then compiled his studies in a book in the Bible titled Ecclesiastes. He concluded that every thing he had and all that people lived for is perishable; does not have eternal gain; does not provide permanent profit. He did not say it was not enjoyable. After all, God made everything to be enjoyed in its appropriate time (Ecc 3:11). He said nothing lasted and therefore was not worth building a life around. He did not consider his life as ‘the good life’.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all (Ecc 12:13).

To fear God is not akin to fearing heights, small spaces or clowns. It is reverently acknowledging Him and living under His rule without compromise. God is a loving father. All children with a good dad know what it is to fear dad. Fear Him in that sense, never wanting to do anything outside His will. To fear God is to hate evil (Pro 8:13). It is the beginning of all wisdom (Ps 111:10); a treasure (Isa 33:6); a fountain of life (Pro 14:27); and a source of strong confidence (Pro 14:26).

To keep God’s commandments is fundamentally to love God and Love people (Matt 22:37-40). But, let us not only love in word and tongue but in deed (1 John 3:18). Do not live in judgement of non-Christians. Just love them; actively. Do not live in judgement of other Christians (it happens). Love them even if they do things differently. You can have all that King Solomon had; be the best at what you do; the brightest spark in the flame; the most talented musician in the band; and blessed with every spiritual gift possible but without love, it amounts to nothing (1 Cor 13:1-7 paraphrased). This is a good place to start when you want to follow all God commands.

Live a life in fear of God and live a life of love. If we live in this way, we can enjoy everything that God has put on earth for us according to His design. Even if we have all that Solomon had, we can enjoy it knowing that our relationship with God is an eternal one. This is la dolcé vita. This is not a problem free life, but a relationship with an Overcomer (John 16:33b). Not just the good life, but the God life. We cannot fully be satisfied with the creation, without the council of the Creator (Mark Driscoll).

Feel free to follow my blog and to leave your comments. And always remember LOL (Love God; Obey Him; Love People).
With Love


the 1 abt said...

C'mon bra..

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