For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile (Romans 1:16)(NIV).
The Gospel. If you are a Christian, this is no doubt what you claim to believe. You are not a Christian yet, you must have heard this word going around for sure. This is a message I will take the next few posts studying. Welcome to the first Soul Grain blog series. I have to start this one with a smile :-) because you will read things you will not like. You might be offended or even hurt. But always check what I say against the Word of God (which is the Bible). Also, remember, this is a message about love but it is not all lovey-dovey (never ever thought I'd ever use such a phrase in my life). This message offended the Pharisees and they hated Jesus because of it. The apostles were killed because they preached it. In our day and age, we have many freedoms and (depending on where you live) you are unlikely to die for the Gospel. This is all the more reason not to water it down but to speak it as it is.
We will break down this dangerous but life giving message over the coming weeks in about five posts. I will try and post weekly so keep checking for updates. In the mean time, check out the video below (G.O.S.P.E.L by Propaganda) to get a summary of what we will later dive deeper into.
You know the drill. Share by all means. P.S: Sorry for the long absence, I hope all my readers have not deserted me. I have also started a new blog which will be updated weekly so please check out:
You have no idea how much I love you guys,
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